
The original form of yoga appeared in Hindu culture more than 5000 years ago. Master Patanjali can be called the father of all because he created traditional yoga, which was used and further shaped by several masters over the years. Thus, today yoga has many variations and forms. The different yoga systems are all based on the same principle.  The methodology of yoga helps us keep our bodies and minds healthy, and can help to improve the symptoms of illnesses.

Ayurveda is a remarkable approach to addressing hormone imbalances. Unlocking one of the oldest traditional Wellness: Click the link below for more on The Ayurvedic Lifestyle.


It is recommended for everyone who is a beginner or has rarely had the opportunity to practice yoga, or for those who want to be sure that they have learned all the asanas and breathing exercise techniques with a good foundation and know how to use them. A series of asanas are put together according to the strength level of the asanas at the basic beginner level, especially for those who do not yet feel strong or flexible enough for more difficult yoga classes. You will learn to master the correct yoga breathing technique, as when your breathing is shallow, toxins remain in the lungs and there is not enough oxygen intake. You will observe and use abdominal, diaphragm, and chest breathing. You will also monitor bodily sensations by tuning in, and learn fast relaxation and stress management. There will be an introduction to ayurveda and its benefits.


I recommend it to those who have been practising yoga for a couple of years and have acquired a good foundation. It is especially appropriate for those who want to organise and prepare themselves physically and mentally to reach the next stage. You will learn the level 2 asanas, increase body strength and flexibility. In addition, you will further develop breathing techniques which improve the state of your inner body, boost your metabolism, and organ function, such as alternate nostril breathing, Surya bhedana / Chandra bhedana, humming bee breath / Brahmari, cooling breath /Sheetali pranayama.


It is recommended for those who are physically and mentally strong and flexible enough to start practising the more challenging yoga asanas. Before someone signs up for such a class, they must attend at least one intermediate class guided by me. You will practice skull shining breathing / Kapalbhati / breath of fire, victorious, ocean breath / Ujjayi pranayama, kumbhaka (breath retention). You will also practice co-activations of antagonistic (opposing) muscle groups around a joint complex (bandhas), which are able to generate relatively high or relatively low pressures.

Yoga | Lyre Healthy Lifestyle

therapeutic yoga 1-2-1

Family yoga - Children’s yoga -  

Develop inner awareness, body scanning, emotion and thoughts scanning

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Yoga | Lyre Healthy Lifestyle

One of the meanings of the word yoga is to rein, to yoke.

Another meaning is to connect and unite the individual soul and the Supreme Soul. Translated into present-day language, this can be interpreted as the fact that in today's fast-paced world, people's minds and thoughts are constantly inundated with advertisements, movies, workplace challenges, and everyday problems, or just simple worries about your children. In fact, in this hectic world, we should realise that we cannot always direct our thoughts and actions, so we are constantly being influenced and swayed. When we do yoga, our endlessly busy minds calm down, and we can more easily find our way back to the feelings that are actually important to us. As a result, our thoughts become clearer, which could enable us to make better decisions with fewer mistakes.

The second explanation that follows from this is that we may have a much better ability to hear our soul, and, in accordance with our own belief, we may be able to connect with our supreme soul, improving our faith and intuition. Neither yoga nor breathing exercises are related to any particular religion. Their proper use only has a beneficial effect on the external and internal health of the body and helps our soul.

Key elements of a yoga class

ASANA - posture,
PRANAYAMA - breathing techniques,
RELAXATION - physical and mental relaxation, MEDITATION - mindfulness exercises,
OUTLOOK OF LIFE - yoga philosophy,
NUTRITION - eating as non-violently (meaning as little meat and high quality organic meat) as possible (if your body type and blood type permits it, becoming vegetarian is best) which could help to improve not only an individual’s physical condition, but their mental condition as well.

If someone wants to reach a higher level, they must deepen their knowledge in 8 - Limbs of yoga which is the “ASHTANGA YOGA SYSTEM” and provides benefits for not only you, but also to those who surround you, as we practice yoga not only on the yoga mat but also in everyday life since yoga is much more than various positions.

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Key elements of a yoga class

To understand the real meaning of yoga, it is crucial to list the 8 – Limbs of yoga as well:

Yama: social restraints, moral discipline, moral vows

Niyama: self-discipline, positive duties and observances,Asana: physical postures

Pranayama: breathing techniques, regulation of breath, science of breath

Pratyahara: sense withdrawal  

Dharana: Focused concentration

Dhyana: Absorption, meditation

Samadhi: Enlightenment, bliss

Key elements of a yoga class

Furthermore, if you would like to delve deeper into the philosophy of yoga you can learn more about and practice KARMAYOGA, JNANA YOGA and BHAKTI YOGA.

Karmayoga: “Karma” is an action, the “yoga” of selfless actions where people renounce and follow principles, do selfless acts, act without highlighting one’s EGO or expecting a reward.

JNANAYOGA: It's not enough to learn but also to pass it on and use it in life. What's the point of our knowledge if we don't use it for achieving and making good things to "MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE"

BHAKTIYOGA: The yoga of love. Awakening the dormant love of God as serving God with meditation, renunciation, study, and devotion. The path of devotion, the method of receiving and spreading God through love (no matter which faith or religion you practice, you can use this method within your belief system).

Key Elements Of A Yoga Class
Benefits of yoga:

Better Body image: focusing on your inner body improves your satisfaction with yourself. Better Wellness: Improves your capacity for inner body awareness and focuses on your body’s natural tendency toward health and self-healing. Boosts your immune system. In addition yoga with varied exercises protects against injury. Better Body Fitness: increases muscle strength, tone, flexibility, boosts your endurance, vitality and energy. Improves athletic performance.
Better Mindful setting: due to deeply relaxing the body, yoga helps you better cope with stress, improve mental health, mindfulness and quality of sleep.
Better Organ function: improves the respiratory, nerve, cardiac and circulatory systems
Better weight control: helps to maintain a balanced metabolism which leads to weight reduction. It helps you to continue eating healthily, and also helps to lower bad cholesterol and boost good cholesterol.  

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Yoga | Lyre Healthy Lifestyle
Yoga | Lyre Healthy Lifestyle

Helps you to accept things as they are, while giving you motivation to improve• Enhances mood

Boosts the immune system
Develops qualities of compassion and understanding toward others and self acceptance
Restorative yoga helps us discover where we are holding tension.
Restorative yoga helps us face what we are avoiding about ourselves.
Balances Your Nervous System
Quiets Your Mind
Helps you recover from Illness
Heals Emotional Pain
Segue to a Meditation Practice
Lowers blood pressure
Improves blood circulation
Lowers heart rate
Decreases perspiration
Slows respiratory rate
Decreases anxiety
Lowers blood cortisol levels
Increases feelings of well-being
Reduces stress
Encourages deeper relaxation

Helps you to accept things as they are, while giving you motivation to improve & enhances mood

Boosts the immune system
Develops qualities of compassion and understanding toward others and self acceptance

Restorative yoga helps us face what we are avoiding about ourselves.

Quiets Your Mind

Helps you recover from Illness

Heals Emotional Pain

Segue to a Meditation Practice

Lowers blood pressure

Lowers blood cortisol

Increases feelings of well-being

Restorative yoga helps us discover where we are holding tension.

Balances Your Nervous System

Improves blood circulation

Lowers heart rate

Decreases perspiration

Slows respiratory rate

Decreases anxiety

Increases feelings of well-being

Reduces stress

Encourages deeper relaxation

Lowers blood pressure

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